Sunday, February 1, 2009

Macabre Love

Sweet love - glorious and sublime to behold,
Brilliant as the rays of the morning sun.
Merriment is on their lips as they gently kiss,
Fueling the flames of passion in their midst.
* * *
Oblivious of the world and all its splendor,
Their eyes are only for each others face.
Yet on every face their is always a mask,
Hidden in secret, a sneer behind the smile.
* * *
Slow poison - coursing through the veins,
Little by little the body withers away.
Doubt stirring in their very hearts,
More toxic than the most potent venom.
* * *
Blinded they tear at each others sanity,
The painful gashes they inflict bleed and fester.
The illusion is shattered, as the pieces of their hearts break,
Hollow they walk the streets, with eyes that cannot see.

1 comment:

  1. cool! i love the morbid images i got from it. heheh. great words used in the composition.
